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Nov 22, 2021
Insect on Drosera capensis
I have been slow to post but am hoping to get back into photographing my plants more. Here's a photo of an insect on one of my Drosera...
Oct 11, 2021
Darlingtonia Seedlings
My Darlingtonia seedlings under my grow lights are doing pretty well. The last photo I took of these was in April.
Aug 30, 2021
Layer of wildfire ash on my plants
If you look closely, you can see the ash layer on my Sarracenia. This year (and the last couple of years) have been rough, with serious...
Aug 29, 2021
Sarracenia minor okee giant
I've been a bit slow to post lately, with school starting. Here's a photo of the interesting markings of my Sarracenia minor 'Okee Giant.'
Aug 10, 2021
Repotted Darlingtonia
A few weeks ago, I repotted some Darlingtonia seedlings, and here's what they look like afterwards.
Aug 9, 2021
This spring and summer had quite a few hot days and Darlingtonia don't do well in extreme heat. In the past, I've tried putting ice cubes...
Aug 2, 2021
Drosera spatulata
It's been a little while since I have had time to take some photos of my plants. Here's one of my Drosera spatulata, which are looking...
Jul 6, 2021
Preparing to re-pot some Darlingtonia
This is the first time I've grown Darlingtonia seedlings, so it's pretty exciting to have so many to re-pot. Here's a photo of the first...
Jul 1, 2021
Drosera prolifera close up
This is yet another reason why I can't wait to visit Australia one day. Drosera prolifera are not too difficult to grow but they like...
Jun 27, 2021
Drosera regia close up
Drosera regia, also known as the King Sundew, are normally found in South Africa.
Jun 24, 2021
Drosophyllum Seed Capsule Magnified
Here's my last Drosophyllum seed capsule photo (for a little while). I used my Moment macro lens, on the 2X setting on my mom's iPhone Xs.
Jun 21, 2021
Even More Drosophyllum Seed Capsules
I know I've posted a lot about my Dewy Pine seeds - I'm just so excited to finally have some seeds to germinate (even thought I know it's...
Jun 17, 2021
White Drosera flower
It's fun that the flowers for all the Drosera can be so similar and different at the same time.
Jun 13, 2021
Drosophyllum Seeds close-up
I hope I can get these to germinate and grow - I'd really like to have more dewy pines, since they tend to be a bit finicky to grow.
Jun 12, 2021
Jun 11, 2021
Drosophyllum seed capsules
It was tough to capture a good photo, given the harsh afternoon sunlight, but here's a photo of two Drosophyllum seed capsules, closed...
Jun 10, 2021
Drosera capensis flower
Lots of pollen on these Drosera capensis flowers - it's no wonder they grow like weeds!
Jun 9, 2021
Darlingtonia seedlings ready to re-pot
Time to start repotting!
May 30, 2021
Pinguicula Leaf Pullings
I haven't been propagating that much recently. Here's an attempt at some Pinguicula leaf pullings - let's hope this works!
May 29, 2021
Darlingtonia windows
In this photo, I was hoping to highlight the translucent windows that form at the top, which are areas where the plant has lost some...
May 23, 2021
Early Summer Sarracenia
This group of Sarracenia are growing together so nicely!
May 21, 2021
Drosera capensis
Even though Drosera capensis are often thought of as a very common carnivorous plant, I never get tired of looking at them.
May 20, 2021
Spotlight on Sarracenia
The photo of these Sarracenia has a dramatic lighting effect from the sun and my iPhone lens.
May 16, 2021
Sarracenia ‘Judith Hindle’
This beauty starts off kind of greenish but them develops a richer red color (and eventually more white as well).
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