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Feb 12, 2021
Cephalotus follicularis
It's interesting that there is only one species of Cephalotus. It's also known as the Albany pitcher plant.
Feb 6, 2021
BACPS Event: Thilo Krueger
I just attended (over Zoom) a talk by Thilo Krueger, who shared his research on "Carnivorous Plants of South-West Australia). It was...
Jan 24, 2021
Update: Attempted Australian Cliffside
I forgot about this for a little while since it's been outside in the greenhouse, but I just realized how much it's grown since I first...
Dec 10, 2020
Cephalotus follicularis "Agnes"
These were tiny when I first got them, and I'm so glad that they are growing so nicely.
Nov 30, 2020
I don't know why, but these Cephalotus make me think of alien alveoli. Maybe it's because of the translucent pitcher hoods.
Aug 8, 2020
Cephalotus Close-Up
Several days ago, I posted a photo of my attempt to re-create an Australian cliffside. Here's a close-up of the cephalotus.
Jul 21, 2020
My Attempt at Re-Creating an Australian Cliffside
It took me nearly 90 minutes to put together this re-creation of an Australian cliffside. Australia has the coolest carnivorous plants...
Jun 21, 2020
Accidental Cephalotus Art
Here's a photo I took of my first cephalotus plants, except that I over-utilized the optical zoom on the phone and it ended up looking...
Jun 14, 2020
Aren't they cute?
Jun 8, 2020
New Cephalotus Addition: Hummer's Giant
I traded one of my Sarracenia leucophylla "Hurricane Creek White" plants for this Cephalotus "Hummer's Giant." Trading plants is a fun...
May 23, 2020
Death, then Life
Recently, I went through and cut all the dead pitchers off my cephalotus. New pitchers are on their way though!
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