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Jun 6, 2020
Nature's flypaper: Drosera
I typically don't have time to feed my plants, but I know many CP growers that do. My sundews always have a ton of bugs stuck to them -...
Jun 3, 2020
Drosera pulchella Flowers
These pretty pink flowers only bloom for a short time during the day, so I'm glad I was able to capture them today.
May 24, 2020
My First Drosera regia
A friend and fellow carnivorous plant grower generously gave me this Drosera regia! It's my first one and I am excited to add it to my...
May 20, 2020
Drosera burmannii seeds!
Every carnivorous plant grower will tell you that Drosera will drop a ton of seeds everywhere (especially Drosera capensis), and you'll...
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