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Jun 24, 2021
Drosophyllum Seed Capsule Magnified
Here's my last Drosophyllum seed capsule photo (for a little while). I used my Moment macro lens, on the 2X setting on my mom's iPhone Xs.
Jun 21, 2021
Even More Drosophyllum Seed Capsules
I know I've posted a lot about my Dewy Pine seeds - I'm just so excited to finally have some seeds to germinate (even thought I know it's...
Jun 13, 2021
Drosophyllum Seeds close-up
I hope I can get these to germinate and grow - I'd really like to have more dewy pines, since they tend to be a bit finicky to grow.
Jun 12, 2021
Jun 11, 2021
Drosophyllum seed capsules
It was tough to capture a good photo, given the harsh afternoon sunlight, but here's a photo of two Drosophyllum seed capsules, closed...
Apr 27, 2021
Drosophyllum pollen!
Hooray! I am one step closer to collecting seeds so I can grow more Drosophyllum.
Apr 25, 2021
Drosophyllum Flower Stalks Coming Up
Here's an updated photo of my Drosophyllum, which should be in bloom soon. I am really looking forward to collecting seeds and growing...
Apr 15, 2021
My Dewy Pine Has A Flower Stalk!
This is a big deal for me, since it's the first Drosophyllum I've had that has made it this far. Several of my dewy pines have died or...
Nov 11, 2020
Dewy Pine - Not Dead Yet
I've had some difficulty growing dewy pines (Drosophyllum). Several have died. Sometimes, they've seemed to be doing fine, and then out...
Oct 1, 2020
Dewy Pines are Incredible Bug Catchers
It is so interesting that dewy pines (Drosophylla) are as sticky as they are, considering the relatively dry environment they grow in. If...
Sep 15, 2020
Drosophyllum Capture
I'm not sure what kind of insect this is, but I'm always surprised by how the dewy pine can catch such big bugs (relative to its own size).
Sep 14, 2020
Drosophyllum Magnified
It's so cool how the glands that make the dew (it's also known as a "dewy pine") are red.
Jul 12, 2020
R.I.P. Dewy Pines
A pesky raccoon has trashed my water table a few times this past week, and toppled my dewy pines, also know as Drosophyllum. They are a...
May 29, 2020
Dewy Pines are Interesting and Finicky
Drosophyllum lusitanicum, also known as the Dewy Pine or Portuguese Sundew, is an interesting plant. For starters, there is only one...
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