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Jun 11, 2020
Byblis Seedlings
Byblis is challenging to grow and the seeds can take a long time to germinate. These are Byblis liniflora, one of the annual species....
Jun 9, 2020
Isolating Sarracenia Flowers for Self-Pollination
One very interesting characteristic about Sarracenia is that they create hybrids, and the hybrids are fertile! So, you can imagine how...
May 20, 2020
Drosera burmannii seeds!
Every carnivorous plant grower will tell you that Drosera will drop a ton of seeds everywhere (especially Drosera capensis), and you'll...
May 18, 2020
My Nepenthes Flowered!
My Nepenthes ventricosa x dubia flowered and now I have pollen! If anyone has a new Nepenthes female flower and wants to try a 50-50 seed...
May 8, 2020
Drosera Water Propagation
I am going to try some sundew water propagation. From left to right: D. capensis "Red," D. capensis, D. binata "Dichotoma Giant,"D....
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