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Mar 9, 2021
What I'm Reading: CPN & Randall Munroe
It's always a nice surprise to receive the ICPS Carnivorous Plant Newsletter in the mail. It is published quarterly, so the sad thing is...
Feb 6, 2021
BACPS Event: Thilo Krueger
I just attended (over Zoom) a talk by Thilo Krueger, who shared his research on "Carnivorous Plants of South-West Australia). It was...
Nov 18, 2020
Dionaea Trigger Hairs
I've posted before on venus flytrap mechanism, referencing some cool research about how the flow of calcium ions plays a part in the...
Nov 17, 2020
Pinguicula laueana Red x crassifolia
This ping is from my favorite carnivorous plant nursery, California Carnivores. I wish we lived closer to them so I could visit more...
Oct 12, 2020
Really Cool Research on Venus Flytraps
Dionaea are fascinating plants. They have active traps (as opposed to passive traps like pitcher plants). I describe this more on my...
Aug 24, 2020
September ICPS Newsletter!
These are only published once a quarter, so it feels like a long time goes by before I get one of these in the mail. But when they...
Aug 19, 2020
Byblis liniflora flower anatomy
I found this neat drawing of the anatomy of a Byblis liniflora flower on a site called Florence Grovida Gardening and it reminded me of...
Jul 26, 2020
Darlingtonia from California Carnivores
I just got this cobra lily from California Carnivores. They have the most beautiful plants and always look amazing. I really like that...
Jul 10, 2020
Drosera scorpioides
I think these look really neat, kind of alien-like, and unlike most other plants. Pygmy sundews are really interesting and are often...
Jul 6, 2020
Redfern Natural History Book Series: Drosera of the World
My mom got me a 3-volume set of books about Drosera of the World from RedFern Natural History for Christmas. I knew they would arrive...
May 30, 2020
Look what came in the mail!
One of my absolute favorite things to find in the mailbox - the ICPS newsletter! If you aren't familiar with it, ICPS stands for...
May 25, 2020
Book Recommendation: "The Savage Garden"
Every new carnivorous plant grower should get this book. I wrote about this in the section called "Carnivorous Plant Basics" on my Guides...
May 23, 2020
Fascinating Byblis Talk by Dr. Gregory Allan of the UK
I just finished watching an interesting live talk by Dr. Gregory Allan, a Byblis expert. The talk was arranged by the Bay Area...
May 16, 2020
Not a Carnivorous Plant...Yet
Carnivorous plants are awesome, but I think all plants are cool and like to try to grow them as well. I have a few air plants and just...
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