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Jun 6, 2020
Nature's flypaper: Drosera
I typically don't have time to feed my plants, but I know many CP growers that do. My sundews always have a ton of bugs stuck to them -...
Jun 5, 2020
My First CP Mentor: Richard Wuydts
Some of you may have read about how I got started taking care of carnivorous plants. While all of the co-owners of the shop were...
Jun 4, 2020
Heat Wave!
Ouch, we have had some hot days recently! I have a maximum-minimum thermometer in the tropical section of my greenhouse so I can follow...
Jun 3, 2020
Drosera pulchella Flowers
These pretty pink flowers only bloom for a short time during the day, so I'm glad I was able to capture them today.
May 31, 2020
My Utricularia Longifolia Flowered!
Pretty cool - these are big flowers compared to the usual tiny flowers on my Utricularia.
May 30, 2020
Look what came in the mail!
One of my absolute favorite things to find in the mailbox - the ICPS newsletter! If you aren't familiar with it, ICPS stands for...
May 29, 2020
Dewy Pines are Interesting and Finicky
Drosophyllum lusitanicum, also known as the Dewy Pine or Portuguese Sundew, is an interesting plant. For starters, there is only one...
May 28, 2020
Gigantic Nepenthes Pitchers!
My friend was kind enough to invite me to visit another grower's greenhouse, which was impressive to say the least. Look at the size of...
May 27, 2020
Dionaea vs. Spider
Pretty big flytrap (B52). Pretty big spider.
May 25, 2020
Book Recommendation: "The Savage Garden"
Every new carnivorous plant grower should get this book. I wrote about this in the section called "Carnivorous Plant Basics" on my Guides...
May 24, 2020
My First Drosera regia
A friend and fellow carnivorous plant grower generously gave me this Drosera regia! It's my first one and I am excited to add it to my...
May 23, 2020
Fascinating Byblis Talk by Dr. Gregory Allan of the UK
I just finished watching an interesting live talk by Dr. Gregory Allan, a Byblis expert. The talk was arranged by the Bay Area...
May 23, 2020
Death, then Life
Recently, I went through and cut all the dead pitchers off my cephalotus. New pitchers are on their way though!
May 22, 2020
Tool Recommendation: TDS Meter
Most of you know that carnivorous plants are particular about water. When I got my very first plant At World's Rare Plants, I was advised...
May 21, 2020
Vibrant Sarracenia Colors
I am loving the colors on these Sarracenia leucophylla x minor (also known as Sarracenia x excellens) today. They are a hybrid of the...
May 20, 2020
Drosera burmannii seeds!
Every carnivorous plant grower will tell you that Drosera will drop a ton of seeds everywhere (especially Drosera capensis), and you'll...
May 20, 2020
Venus Flytrap vs. Spider
So this happened today.
May 18, 2020
My Nepenthes Flowered!
My Nepenthes ventricosa x dubia flowered and now I have pollen! If anyone has a new Nepenthes female flower and wants to try a 50-50 seed...
May 16, 2020
Not a Carnivorous Plant...Yet
Carnivorous plants are awesome, but I think all plants are cool and like to try to grow them as well. I have a few air plants and just...
May 9, 2020
Pinguicula: both beautiful and practical
My mom mentioned to me that she saw a fruit fly near the flat of strawberries on the kitchen counter, so I went to my room to get one of...
May 8, 2020
Drosera Water Propagation
I am going to try some sundew water propagation. From left to right: D. capensis "Red," D. capensis, D. binata "Dichotoma Giant,"D....
May 7, 2020
How It All Began
A few years ago, my mom and I were driving on a highway near Half Moon Bay and we saw a gigantic sign with blood-red letters that said...
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