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Isolating Sarracenia Flowers for Self-Pollination

One very interesting characteristic about Sarracenia is that they create hybrids, and the hybrids are fertile! So, you can imagine how there can be dozens or hundreds of different species created over time. In general, I let the bees pollinate my plants and natural hybrids are created, but I wanted to make sure I preserved a few pure species of my Sarracenia leucophylla "Hurricane Creek White." So, I used some tulle that I got at the craft store, and wrapped the flowers that I wanted to isolate. Some people recommend moving plants indoors to isolate them, since wind potentially blows some pollen around - this is primarily recommended when you want to create specific hybrids and avoid self-pollination. In my case, I want self-pollination. It's hard to wait, but I'm looking forward to collecting seeds in the late summer or early fall.


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