My friend Curtis (who helped me with my bog) recommended that I consider building my own greenhouse tables to optimize space for my plants. Until now, I've been using these metal wire shelves that I order on Amazon. They work well but don't optimize the space as much as custom shelves would. I was pretty hesitant to build my own shelves, since I have zero woodworking experience other than very simple kid crafts. But we gave it a try - Curtis was kind enough to lend me his circular saw and his rotary sander. My dad (who also had no woodworking experience before this) and I built this table, thinking it would be for the greenhouse, but then decided to use it as a larger potting bench, since my current table is so small. We used redwood, and it was a fair amount of work, but not as tough as I imagined it would be. Since redwood is so expensive, we are going to use Dura-Bench tops for my greenhouse tables instead, and I'll share photos once we finish building them. I'm looking forward to having lots more space in my greenhouse.
