This is a stylidium flower, which looks a bit like a butterfly here. There is some controversy about whether or not these are true carnivorous plants - some say they are protocarnivorous (or early) carnivorous plants. It's not 100% clear because even though Stylidium are thought to produce protease enzymes, they might not use them to digest insects. It's also unclear if they have a significant gain from being able to digest insects, which some experts see as a criteria for meeting definition of carnivory.
Stylidium have a cool feature - they are trigger plants. The trigger isn't used to trap insects. Instead, it is used for pollination. In response to being touched, the reproductive organs snap forward very quickly, covering the insect in pollen (and also picking up any pollen it was carrying from another flower). Pretty cool! In an upcoming post, I'll try to capture a video of the trigger activating!